The next few weeks would see a series on education, the need for it and it's imperative in the world we envision.
Our first is on the power of education to liberate. Imagine you walk into a dark room, with no direction, information or guidance but are required to make your way out through the exit on the other side? How easy do you imagine that would be? Extremely uneasy huh?. Such a situation leaves you captive and at the mercy of whatever uncertainties lie within such a room. This is the fate of a person who is uneducated in the 21st century and the sustainable world we seek to build.
A cogent starting point is to note that the global cry for education is not limited to the children but is inclusive of the child, the youth , the old and the aged. According to, Education is the act or process of imparting or acquiring general knowledge, developing the powers of reasoning and judgement, and generally of preparing oneself or others intellectually for mature life. This definition captures succinctly, the main purposes of proper education, all of which highlight mental freedom.
Quality education in the 21st century is one that seeks to empower everyone that comes in contact with it with the prerequisites for freedom, not merely freedom from physical bondage but freedom from whatever holds a person captive, mentally, emotionally or physically . It must set its recipient free from any form of ignorance. Ignorance in the 21st century is lack of knowledge on issues that directly or indirectly affect our lives.
Education was absent in the era of slave trade because the slave masters were aware of the power and capacity education wields to liberate a person. The liberation of the mind is the most effective form of liberation a person must come in contact with, this type of liberation is imperative for anyone to thrive in their various endeavours. The emancipation of minds through education would ensure a peaceful world as education provides people with the mental power to take informed decisions in every area of life hence reducing the erosion of peace through inability to take well informed and sustainable decisions.
It is important to share and acquire knowledge on issues that affect or may affect people around the globe. Do not hesitate to share knowledge if you come to the knowledge of any form of ignorance in a field you are well educated in. Every individual must seek to acquire information on issues not limited to their scope, field or environment. Formal education which is the starting point must be acquired by every individual, however, an individuals educational journey must not be limited to the classroom education. Seek knowledge in every area that affects your life, you need not be a professional, however, knowing a bit of everything will not hurt. be intentional about acquiring education as good things come to only those who pursue it. We also have a duty to ensure that everyone that comes in contact with us is educated in one way or the other through us, be a perpetual volunteer teacher.
The educated persons are the only set of people that have the opportunity to thrive in the face of globalisation and global development generally, to this extent, education must be given top priority on every level; formal or informal. The consequences of the absence of education in the life of a person are grave. Poor education is a threat to global sustenance, against this backdrop, education must be given top priority if the global goals are to be achieved.
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