Tuesday 1 November 2016



According to a report by the UN, more than 740,000 people die from armed violence and 490,000 of those occur outside traditional war zones. I bet you are as shocked as I am. The continued proliferation of arms in our world today is a threat to life, it fosters insecurity and increases poverty and hunger rates. The need for peace within and outside traditional war zones is borne out of the fact that the effects of armed conflicts and insecurity are not limited to present times but linger on for years after, leaving families torn and plunging nations into panic and confusion. The proliferation of arms plagues and threatens the future as children are now involved in arms use.

Many may feel unconcerned or like there is nothing they can do even if they cared. In fact, I remember the first time I heard about arms or heard " nuclear weapons " I thought of it as something I could never be bothered about. It sounded so big, I thought only those involved in the trade and use of it could do something about it until I realized that it's expanding its frontiers outside its contemplated use; then I felt the need to get myself involved. Seeing a child in control of arms killed me for a minute.

There are many of us out there who are just like me that care less about the flow of arms worldwide or lack knowledge about it at all. It's important that we all add our voices to the ongoing global campaign on disarmament (the withdrawal or reduction of military forces or weapons).
Innocent lives are lost in armed conflict, livelihoods are crushed and crime rates are on the increase. It a must that the proliferation of arms and acquisition of nuclear weapon must be reduced or stopped completely. It's unsafe for the world if status quo is maintained as these weapons have found their way to the streets, our lives and future if care is not taken.

Many countries that acquire nuclear weapons and arms today do so in preparation for an unknown fear which is extremely dangerous as even the rumor of a threat can cause weapons on "high alert " to go off causing utter destruction within minutes. A world power's arsenal has the capacity to destroy 195 of the world's capital cities ! Just one world power let's not even begin to think of the other world powers and what crazy weapons they have in their arsenal.
There are 23,000 nuclear weapons in the world as we speak, having the capacity to destroy the entire population of the world times over.

You may begin to ask yourself "ok, now that I know this what can I do?" The answer is simple. You can speak against this terror in order to put an end to it as many world leaders keep their citizens in ignorance on matters pertaining to arms and nuclear weapons. To this extent, we have started a petition asking the UN to reinforce the global campaign on disarmament, the first step to saving the world in the face of deadly arms is to speak through your petition. Sign the petition here at
https://www.change.org/p/ban-ki-moon-secretary-general-of-the-united-nations-add-your-voice-to-the-global-disarmament-campaign recruiter=620775254&utm_source=share_petition&utm_medium=copylink
Should you have any questions or comments please do not hesitate to use the comment box!
We appreciate you for taking time to read and share! Spread the word; Arms out; Voice In!


  1. I enjoyed reading this.. Interestingly i had signed this petition earlier this week... while i believe the world powers in a bid to retain their status as world power spend so much on R&D for nuclear development, i also think the underdogs can form a coalition against the brewing violence. THe UN so far has been useful in stalling any world unrest but more can be done to eliminate the clusters of violence here and there. Let's keep talking coz any other fight can cost us 195 countries anyways... we no get choice.
