Friday 10 February 2017



The global call to change as regards our attitudes, disposition to nature, use of land resources, interaction with people, our environment and so much more is one that must not be ignored. The goals seem difficult to achieve, technical and impossible to meet given the global scheme of things. However, what I have come to understand is that, joint and collaborative efforts towards the achievement of the global goals makes it an easy and interesting ride towards the achievement of the goals.

Below are five (5) simple but compelling reasons why you should participate in the global march for change.

1. It doesn't hurt to join but it potentially hurts when you don't.
The global drive towards change in our way of interacting with our world and its constituents is one that is 100% guaranteed to be beneficial. A lot of people do not engage in global development for many reasons I cannot begin to discuss, however, the reason you should do away with whatever stereotype is stopping you from participating is simple: it doesn't hurt when you do but it hurts when you don't. Your ambivalence towards partipation or engagement can be resolved this way, when you take action, no matter how little, you have solved a problem that potentially has the capacity to cause more damage than you can imagine but when you don't, the problem gets compounded and ultimately, constitutes itself a glosbal cause for alarm. A basic example is this; it doesn't hurt to reduce your use of plastic bags and materials, but it hurts when you don't because it compounds the global concern about waste management especially non biodegradable waste. Save the environment, reduce by half, your use of plastic materials in the coming week.

2. All you would rather do depends largely on it.
Many of us are guilty of staying away from the global action scene because we are busy doing other "important " things. We would rather engage in matters that we feel affect our lives forgetting that the existence of a healthy globe is an indispensable condition for your efforts in every other field to be made manifest, imagine issues of peace and conflict were not dealt with as they ought to... how do yo intend to carry out your activities in an unstable environment?  Make a decision this week to take action in relation to peace and conflict this coming week , it may be as little as signing a petition to end violence somewhere in the world.

3. Just as you met a world you could thrive in, some other people also deserve the opportunity.
You did not have to "build " the world you came into, you met it because some people treated it right thus it was available for you to thrive. You are also obliged to take steps to ensure that the world the coming generation is to meet and inherit is easily habitable for them without having to struggle to survive under a poor climate. This week reduce your energy consumption by keeping your light bulbs and sockets off more than they are left on without use.

4. There are limitless opportunities when you do.
The opportunity to do more, increase in every area of life and experience limitless growth is guaranteed by a healthy and peaceful globe. Won't you rather take action? This week, make a decision to engage in the achievement of goal 17: Partnership for the Goals in your little way.

5. You will be glad you did.
In end, when you look back on how things used to be and the better position the world is because of positive actions from people all over the world, you will be glad you contributed your quota.

Engage! Participate ! Change.

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