Saturday 31 December 2016


For the love of tomorrow...

We are excited to publish our last post for the year 2016! This post seeks to summarize our previous posts under two parallels: Love and Hate.

A lot has been said about love from diverse perspectives, however, we would discuss love on a global scale and in terms of international development.

It is convenient to get caught up in your love for yourself, family, friends, and affiliates, so convenient that we may innocently forget other persons and areas of life which deserve our love.

The environment we live in and the globe that guarantees our existence deserves our love. It's important to have love at the back of our minds when we take actions towards our environment. We must show love to the trees, the ozone layer, the air and biodiversity in general.

We must show love for the entire human race, not owing allegiance to only persons we know but importantly, persons we do not know or may never come in contact with.

We need to spread the message of love over hate to the next generation through our actions towards living and non living things, we must teach them that everything in this world we live in deserves our love even to the ants.

We are excited to celebrate New Year's Eve tonight but are we acting in ways to ensure that our generations to come have a world to celebrate this day or even a rich bio diversity to show them how beautiful life is?

The message of peace must be emphasized at every given opportunity, governments should be discouraged from spending so much money on proliferation of arms, war or acquisition of technologies that threaten global peace, they should be encouraged to seek alternative means of dispute resolution, shy away from actions that threaten global peace and work hand in hand to ensure global sustainability by giving full effects to the action points of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Educate: through formal or informal means. Teach and transfer knowledge on any area you can. Education liberates the mind and empowers us for global change and impact.

Use technology to bring about global development and not foster situations that impede development while using technology.

The concept of hate must be completely done away with in the new year, welcome refugees , help out at Internally Displaced Persons camps, discourage racism and the attendant ills that come with hate.

From all of us at The Nineteen Initiative, we wish you a happy and peaceful new year. Remember to show: Love for mankind, love for the environment and love for sustainability.

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  1. The environment teaches us that man's existence is inextricably linked with the existence of the earth. For man to remain alive, he must exhale carbondioxide which the plants take in and release oxygen for us to inhale for survival. We all must solemnly resolve to extend love to our environment, our planet, and our neighbours for we all are creatures of the same Creator.

    1. Beautiful perspective! thank you so much Joseph
